Expected results

What is the project expected to achieve?

  • Building of two centres for digital cataloguing and converting objects of cultural value in digital format;
  • Storing funds from rare and valuable books and manuscripts in Regional historical museum of Gabrovo and “Aprilov-Palauzov” Regional library;
  • Enhancing the capacities of the participants in the field of digitization and cataloguing of cultural heritage;
  • Building a digital library containing cultural heritage;
  • Creation of a general catalogue of rare and valuable books and manuscripts owned by Regional historical museum of Gabrovo and “Aprilov-Palauzov” Regional library;
  • Enabling free and unlimited access to the literary cultural heritage.

Sustainability of results

  • Employees of Regional historical museum of Gabrovo and “Aprilov-Palauzov” Regional library will increase their ability to work with specialized software.
  • Creating a full-text database of old printed and manuscript collections enables sustainable development of the project.
  • Purchased and installed equipment allows its effective long-term use.
  • It will extend the range of digitized objects and cover collections of other cultural institutions.
  • Converted into a digital format objects of cultural value will be used in research projects.
  • Continuing to work with Roma children.

Project potential for added value

Implementation of this project has a high potential for European and international spread. The project offers full respect of the community with special needs for fast, easy and unlimited access to the cultural heritage of the general public, without restriction on gender, racial, religious or other ground. Thus the results of it will reach the widest audience as EEA, EU and worldwide. Multiplier effect will be achieved on creating lasting relations for cooperation and exchange of scientific experience between European countries. In its subsequent multiplication and continuation, this project aims to make more accessible the entire cultural and historical heritage by allowing training and integration of people with disabilities and members of minority groups.

Presenting the cultural and historical heritage in digital library or museum, will overcome lack of awareness of others and it will overcome barriers to communication, learning and understanding. Successful realization of this project will have a positive impact on current needs and constraints among all target groups representatives. As a result of its implementation the project will create sustainable opportunities for intellectual and personal development of children, youths, students in arts and science. It will create sustainable habits of children to make good use of their free time and they will be taught the virtues of intellectual curiosity and increasing tolerance towards other culture. School life will become more attractive for Roma children.

After project completion multiplier effect and added value of this project will appear in prevention of risk factors for Roma children and in continuing work of the existing forms of extracurricular activities. To expand the scope of good project practices, they will be used in future projects with new activities for the target group of local partner schools as well as they will be applying for other schools.

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